Thursday, May 9, 2013

The story of the Red Rock Rising  - episode 1

Marc came back from university, an advanced math grad at Princeton.  He had hardly thrown his backpack of a ton of books on his bed (his rooms always a mess), when the phone rang.
"I'll see you in five minutes." said the voice
"I'd like to know your name, before I see you in five minutes, that is if I want to see you."  Said Marc, obviously realizing the voice was not one that he was accustomed to knowing without an introduction of a name - a male voice too.
Anyway, he went to his desk to put the pile of math books back on to the bookshelf just above the table.  His mobile rang again.
This time Marc tried to see the id of the caller.  There was none.  He thought was it a joke or was it something he would not like to associate himself with, and how did they get his number anyway.
He answered the call. 
"Hello, this is Marc DuCartes, who's this calling?"
The same unknown voice spoke up,
"I'll see you in 3 minutes."
Marc said, "Are you coming over or are we meeting at some spot."
The phone cut off.  Marc thought - Ok that fixed this nutcase.
Marc went along trying to tidy his table top.  He had to work on some nasty calculations for the math contest coming up in a week's time.
The mobile phone rang again.  Marc was upset.  He went over to the family phone installed in his room to call 911.  The phone was dead.  The voice on the mobile phone began to speak without Marc pressing the talk button.
"Sorry Marc, I had a feeling that you would try to call the police so I shut down the land line for a short while.  I'll see at your front door in one minute, or would you like me to come to your room?"
Marc said, "Ok I'll see you at the front door."
Marc waited and a minute later, his front door bell rang.

Marc was about 23, athletic build, spent a hour a day at the gym, but was not the kind of guy that has any special liking to any kind of martial arts or self defense art.  He was just an ordinary university guy, who loved math from the age of three.  Scored the highest in his class since that age and was considered a "brilliant" guy by teachers and some friends when it came to mathematics.  He had some friends, but no girlfriend. His language contained a vocabulary of math words and that was not romantic enough or romantic at all.

Marc raced down the flight of steps from the bedrooms upstairs to the foyer.  He looked out through the door peep hole to see who could this unknown person be.  To his great surprise there was no one  He opened the door, and there was no one. 

His mobile rang again and said "Hi Marc, I am standing right in front of you, thank you for opening the door."
Marc looked irritated and was trying to figure out who was playing a joke on him.  He did not want to waste any time.  So he spoke to the voice on his mobile phone.
"Listen, if you think you are playing a joke on me, you did succeed.  Ok thanks now, I have a lot on my plate to do before its dinner time.  Since you refused to show up on the front door, I am now closing it.  Bye for now."
The voice said back to Marc, "You cannot close your front door as I am standing against it and I'm inside your foyer by the door, sorry you can't see me for now."
Marc was really upset as he felt he looked like a fool.
He tried closing the front door, but he could not close it.  Marc started feeling the sense of fear of some unknown entity was in his house and he decided to get out of the house and look for help around the neighborhood.
The voice spoke up again, "Marc I will not hurt you in any way, trust me.  Let's sit and talk, I'll leave in five minutes, trust me.  But I can only speak to you through your mobile, and when I do this I electronically disconnect your house or residence phone.  It just happens.

Marc picked up some courage and said "but what if I don't want to talk with someone I cant see and uses my mobile and rakes up a hefty mobile bill I can't pay."
The voice said, "your mobile phone bill will never have any charge on it while you speak to me. Trust me about this.  We can cut this meeting out, but there are things that math can do for you, with some help from me, that no others can."
Marc asked in an angry tone, "Like what may I ask?"
The voice said, "can you see that pebble, the red rock in your flower pot there?"
Marc said, "Yes I see it."
The voice said, "now take it in your hand and I will show you mathematically, how to levitate that stone in your hand."
Marc was a bag of mixed emotions.  He finally, thoughtfully said. "I am not interested in back magic, so if you're the devil, let's call this quits right now." 
The voice began to laugh, finally it said, "Marc its not magic, its math.  You love math, but its confined to what you see and touch and feel.  Out beyond space and time beyond the dimensions of your world of what you call reality is a math that you need to learn, and now, and to see that there is a math that is beyond all you know that impinges upon your world of reality and changes it for the better."
Marc laughed at that but it was a laugh that said, I like what I like what I hear.

Marc went to the pot and picked up the red pebble. The voice said, "thank you, I take it you believe in me as a reality from out of space and time."
Marc said, "I guess your right, what else can I say.  People passing by think I'm stupid."
The voice said, "that's ok, to be different from the rest, is to be stupid enough, but..."  The voice paused, then a second later it said, "but it is the one that is intelligently stupid that prepares the way for the mundane to see beyond what it knows. I offer you this opportunity."

The voice continued. "I must now leave as its just about five minutes that I promised I would take of your time. Thank you, I take it that we will be talking again."
The voice from his mobile stopped talking

Marc's home phone, the land line, begun to ring.  He ran to it and picked it up, and dropped the red pebble from the flower pot he had earlier picked up. 
As Marc said "hello this is Marc." 
The voice on the other end said, "Marc it's mum, what's happening to the phone, you better put in a complaint. I've been trying to call you for the last fifteen minutes and it just give a screech and goes dead."
Marc said, "sorry mum I will call the telephone company right after you hang up."
Marc's mum said, "I'll be home a little late, dear, so please put the glass top dish in the fridge into the oven and get it warmed for dinner.  I'll be home around six pm."
Marc said, "Ok mum, done.  Bye now." and hung up.

The phone had no screech, it was crystal clear, better than any static he had ever heard over this phone.  He decided not to call the telephone company.

He was about to run up to his bedroom, he noticed the red pebble did not hit the floor, but floated above the floor.  He knelt down to observe this strange phenomena - was it antigravity, was its mass reduced to less than the weight of air - how did it float.

He was contemplating if he should touch it.  Did it give out any radiation that could be harmful.?  What if mum and dad and his little sister Jane, who would walk in from school any moment now saw it and took it away, or asked questions about this?  So he touched it and held it and it felt like the pebble he took form the flower pot.  Strange it was the only red pebble among all the white pebbles in that flower pot. Did the voice change its color?  No it was red and he did notice it and did not matter to him.

He took the pebble to his bedroom, upstairs. He placed it on the table. It did not levitate. It sat on the surface of the table like the rest of the stuff on his table top, pens, papers, books. He weighed it, just under 150 grams.  So it does have some mass and weight, thought Marc. But why does it not levitate.  He thought about what had happened before he noticed it levitating.  Yes he dropped it from his hand when Mum called. So he moved it to the edge of the table top and with a pen pushed it over.  It fell and hit the wooden floor with a small noise.  Just then he heard the door open and the familiar voice of Jane

"Marc, I'm home, please fix me a hamburger, may be for both of us, I need to talk to you of something that happened in school."

Marc thought I just hope its not going to be about another red rock levitation story.

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